
Does Sex Drive Decrease With Age

Sex drive is a personal affair, and there are no set rules in this zone. Sex drive varies from person to person. You cannot weigh sex drive on any scale. What matters is how you feel about it. A relationship should be harmonious, and the sexual appetite of both partners should be satisfied. Low sex drive in men can happen at any age for multiple reasons.  Sex drive gradually dips with age and is acceptable. The male hormones are at a peak in puberty and wean off slowly, and so does the sex drive. However, there are no hard and fast rules with the sex drive, and it's only who can decide what is normal for you. As per doctors, men at 50 and 60 can also lead a healthy sex life with certain conditions. Low sex drive in men can result in failed relationships and affect both partners. Low libido can lead to using excuses every time and avoiding sexual intimacy as much as possible. It will also affect mental health and might be overwhelming. The thing to note is, lowered libido is okay o

Can Frequent Masturbation and Porn Viewing Cause Low Libido and Erection Problems?

The discrepancies caused by Porn are becoming more prominent in this era. Excess of everything is bad in life generally, and the same applies to your dear friend Porn! Excessive consumption of Porn can change your orientation, and you might stop enjoying real sex. It causes erections problems at 30 and even younger, and it can correspondingly usher to low libido in men. The consequences might sound horrifying, and they are. But the low-libido treatment in males is possible with the help of a good sexologist. Erectile dysfunction and low libido can hamper a man's health and hit their male ego. They might feel incapacitated, and their frustration levels might get insane. Sexual dysfunction can create a void, and you might start feeling helpless. It also affects your partner, and the results are never pleasant. Either your partner will pick fights all the time or will create a distance. Lack of communication can further tumble your life. The withdrawal of emotional support makes life

How Overcoming Penis Anxiety Can Improve Your Life

  Penis size is a man's pride. But should it be? Let's discuss this in detail. Most men believe that if their penis is anyways less than 6 inches, they cannot enjoy sex. The ideal penis length is 6 inches or more. But how true is that? A false piece of information. The average penis length is 5.2 inches when erect, and anything between 3-6 inches works fine. Shocking? Don't be, as these are scientifically proven stats. But many men reach out and ask how to increase the size of the penis naturally or if we can increase penis size? The answer is no, not at all. The penis grows the maximum in puberty between 12-16 years. The maximum length is achieved in the late teens, after which the penis does not increase. Even at that age, if you ask how to increase penis size ? It is genetic, and you cannot help the process. The maximum length varies from person to person and cannot be altered. The men who believe they have shorter penis can cause an upheaval in their lives. They think

How to Find the Best Sexologist Online Consultation for a Happier Life?

 Find Dr. Arora's Clinic for Sexologist Online Consultation . We are one of the most reputed clinics in Delhi offering our services. Our expert doctors have vast experience, which they have acquired over years of experience in treating patients suffering from erection problems and other sexual disorders.  Our doctors also deal with cases related to erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and low libido. We also offer treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED), Premature Ejaculation (PE), Low Sexual Desire (LSA), etc. How can you avail of these services? Please visit our website at or call us at +91 97810-78210 or +91 97810-78210 if you are facing any problems related to your sexual functions, such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, penis size, and low libido.

Reasons Why Men Lose Their Erections During Sex?

  It's important to be able to maintain an erection during sex. If you can't, it can be frustrating and embarrassing, but it doesn't have to mean that you're broken or damaged. It's normal for men to lose their erections during sex sometimes. It happens, and there are several reasons why it might happen: -The man may be distracted by something else (like an itch on his leg). -The man may feel tired or exhausted. -The man may be worrying about something else (like whether he'll get a promotion at work). To get the solution or tips on how you enjoy your sexual life, Find a  sexologist near you !

Why are There Doubts Over the Treatment for Low Libido in Males?

The doubts over the treatment for low libido in males are from flawed perspectives. Men lack knowledge of sexual wellness. The first thought that comes to their minds is age is catching up with them. Or they have lost interest in their partner. They can't think of many reasons behind low libido. There must be something wrong at the ground level. Never do they think there could be psychological or relationship issues hurting their sentiments and affecting their mood. They don't give it much thought. The condition of low libido in men is a mammoth mountain to climb. What's baffling is how the occurrence of low libido among the masses failed to bring a change. Sexologists do pin hopes on patients, but they acknowledge they have a tough road ahead. What are the low libido treatment options? Men must ask themselves how far they're willing to go in their lives. The situation demands a change. Men must show courage to forsake what stands in against treatment.  Treatment for L

इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन और नपुंसकता?

  इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन पुरषों में पाई जाने वाली एक समस्या है जिसे हम अपनी समान्य भाषा में नपुंसकता कहते हैं . नपुंसकता का शिकार ज़्यादातर 40 साल के अधिक उम्र के पुरष होते हैं . इस टर्म में पुरषों में सेक्स के समय या तो इरेक्शन बिलकुल नहीं होता या फिर अगर होता भी है तो वे संतोषजनक सेक्स नहीं कर पाते हैं। आज हम इस आर्टिकल में हम इरेक्टाइल डिसफंक्शन के बारे में खुलकर बात करेंगे और आपको बहुत ही सरल भाषा में बताएंगे कि ये क्या है और   इरेक्टाइल   डिस्फंक्शन  से कैसे लड़ा जा सकता है ।   इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन क्या है ?  (what is Erectile dysfunction)   इरेक्टाइल डिस्फंक्शन (Erectile dysfunction) ऐसी स्तिथि है जिसमें जब कोई पुरुष सेक्स के लिए उत्तेजित होता है तो वह अपने अंदर इरेक्शन का आभास करता है इस दौरान दिमाग पुरुष के लिंग कि नसों में रक्त प्रवाह को बढ़ा देता है ताकि सेक्स के दौरान लिंग पूरी तरह से उत्तेजित रह सके जिसे इरेक्शन कहा जाता है . इस