Can Frequent Masturbation and Porn Viewing Cause Low Libido and Erection Problems?

The discrepancies caused by Porn are becoming more prominent in this era. Excess of everything is bad in life generally, and the same applies to your dear friend Porn! Excessive consumption of Porn can change your orientation, and you might stop enjoying real sex. It causes erections problems at 30 and even younger, and it can correspondingly usher to low libido in men. The consequences might sound horrifying, and they are. But the low-libido treatment in males is possible with the help of a good sexologist.

Erectile dysfunction and low libido can hamper a man's health and hit their male ego. They might feel incapacitated, and their frustration levels might get insane. Sexual dysfunction can create a void, and you might start feeling helpless. It also affects your partner, and the results are never pleasant. Either your partner will pick fights all the time or will create a distance. Lack of communication can further tumble your life. The withdrawal of emotional support makes life unbearable, and you are left with no one to talk to.

Though porn addiction was not so common before but is the most frequently reported issue in today's generation, educate yourself to save yourself from the shackles of porn addiction.

Journey of Porn viewing to Porn addiction

Watching Porn is not new, and men have been watching it for a long time. But why is it creating problems now? Earlier, everything was not this readily available, and there was a limit to it. Not that there were no cases then, but rarely it reached this stage. With the advent of the latest technology and gadgets, the internet and Porn are accessible to everyone, and there is no limit.

Porn does need to be circulated or shared amongst friends, no storage devices are needed, and you can simply observe it whenever you feel like it. It has erased a lot of filters and stages. With regular consumption of Porn, it is possible to rewire your brain differently. Sexual gratification through Porn becomes a habit. You start watching Porn whenever you are free and slowly, even at work or during other awkward times. Now, the next biggest change of events is when you start avoiding sex with your partner, and only Porn satisfies you. Watch out for these signs before you become a full-blown porn addict. 

Now, casual viewing has turned into a compulsive habit, and you cannot do without it. You might even feel guilty about the habit but lose control over the mind. Porn addiction is real and can be quite damaging. 

Regular porn viewing leads to masturbation or sexual gratification via visual stimulation in a certain way. It gives rise to unreal fantasies and your real-life partner is suddenly not good enough. It also is detrimental to your partner's health. For one, they don't know the reason behind you avoiding sex. Next, sometimes men demand some unusual things that might not be feasible. Moreover, real sex does not arouse you anymore, and you are set in your own ways. The partners in this situation might start blaming themselves and try to change their behavior and acts to stimulate their sexual appetite. It also affects women at a deeper level, and they suddenly feel incompetent and underconfident. 

Porn addiction also gives rise to sexual dysfunctions such as erectile dysfunction and low libido. The addiction to Porn makes you lose erections at the time of sex because the actual setup no more arouses you. It can lead to erection problems at 30, and even teenagers have started reporting the dysfunction. It creates low libido because you do not have the urge for sex anymore and only crave Porn. 

The problem seems complex but there is a way out. Once you realize that you are having issues with real sex, which was not the problem in the past, and you compulsively watch Porn, you should consult a sexologist. Low libido treatment for males is possible, and a sexologist can channel the whole issue.

To start with the treatment on your own, you have to quit Porn. It might sound harsh, but that is the only way out. Distract yourself and focus on other things. Control the urge, and do not give in. Strong will plays the biggest role here. Talk to your partner and seek emotional support.

Bottom line

It sounds weird, but porn addiction can cause erection problems at 30! Erectile dysfunction and low libido treatment in males is available with a sexologist. Do not let Porn control your life, and beware of excessive porn consumption. 



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